
Exploration on Architectural Space Layout Based on Multi-agent and Dijkstra Algorithm: A Case of the Residence Generative Design

Authors: Baizhou Zhang, Biao Li
Source: 城市建筑 Urbanism and Architecture
Date: September 25, 2020



Zhang, B., & Li, B. (2020). Exploration on Architectural Space Layout Based on Multi-agent and Dijkstra Algorithm: A Case of the Residence Generative Design. Urbanism and Architecture, 17(27), 7-10+20.

张柏洲, 李飚. 基于多智能体与最短路径算法的建筑空间布局初探——以住区生成设计为例[J]. 城市建筑, 2020, 17(27): 7-10+20.






With the deepening application of digital technology in the field of architecture, generative design gradually shows its potential. Generative design starts with the abstraction of architectural prototype, takes the construction of algorithm model as the core, and realizes digital-driven design. It is an organic combination of technical rationality and artistic inspiration. This paper explores the method of self-organizing generation of residential planning by means of generative design. Based on multi-agent system, Voronoi partition and Dijkstra algorithm, it solves the design problems of plot division, building layout and road generation in residential planning, and provides reference for the application of program algorithm of building spatial layout.


generative design; residence; multi-agent; plot division; Dijkstra algorithm