Moiré Pattern Dynamic Wall


Team: Peng Tang, Biao Li, Qiyan Zhang, Baizhou Zhang, Zhehao Song, Haodong Wu, Zhenyu Hu
Location: Chengdu, Sichuan, China 四川 · 成都
Year: 2019

Introduction on gooood

摩尔纹动态景观墙(简称摩尔墙)基于物理学上摩尔纹和视觉错觉的原理实现,由格栅与动态图片帧两部分组成。 格栅由固定宽度的竖纹组成,并结合其他需要显示的图案灰度,参数化生成尺寸不一的方形孔。 动态图片帧则将需要动态显示的图片拆分为若干帧,裁切为与格栅宽度相同的竖条并重新组合。 当行人在格栅外侧移动时,由于视觉暂留原理,可以透过格栅看到图片的不同帧,由此产生动态效果。

摩尔墙可被应用用于建筑景观、道路景观、广场绿化等不同场景。 更多介绍说明详见 南岸美村乡村生态博物馆项目。

The Moiré Pattern Dynamic Wall, abbreviated as the Moiré Wall, is based on the principles of physics involving moiré patterns and visual illusions. It consists of a grid and dynamic image frames. The grid is composed of vertically striped patterns of fixed width, combined with grayscale patterns of other images to parametrically generate square apertures of varying sizes. The dynamic image frames involve breaking down the images intended for dynamic display into several frames, cropping them into vertical strips of the same width as the grid, and reassembling them. As pedestrians move outside the grid, the phenomenon of visual persistence allows them to see different frames of the image through the grid, creating a dynamic visual effect.

The Moiré Wall finds applications in various settings such as architectural landscapes, road scenery, and plaza greenery. For more detailed information, please refer to the project introduction of the Sichuan Dayi Country Ecology Museum & Moire Pattern Dynamic Wall.