Medical Facility Renewal Research Based On Big Data Analysis


Team: Baizhou Zhang, Yichen Huang, Zechuan Yang, Li Li, Vahid Moosavi
Year: 2019

研究从医疗设施POI数据出发,通过地图抓取和指标信息爬取的方式, 分别从形态线与数据线的方向进行数据采集和后续机器学习训练,试图通过挖掘两条线索各自与之间的联系, 探索医疗设施更新规划与复杂城市系统之间的数据关联,提供数据驱动的医疗设施更新规划推荐。

This project is an architecture design studio at Southeast University.
The research starts with Point of Interest (POI) data from medical facilities. Through a combination of map scraping and crawling indicator information, data collection is conducted along both the form line and the data line. Subsequently, machine learning training is employed to explore the connections between the two lines of evidence. The goal is to investigate the data correlation between medical facility updates and complex urban systems. By uncovering the relationships between the form line and the data line, the project aims to provide data-driven recommendations for medical facility update planning. This approach seeks to enhance the understanding of the dynamics between medical facility development and the broader urban context, ultimately contributing to more informed and efficient planning strategies.