
Exploration on the Application of Geometric Prototype and Form Encoding Strategies in the Layout Generation of Commercial Buildings

Authors: Baizhou Zhang, Biao Li
Source: CDAC 2022, Wuxi, China
Date: November 27, 2022

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Zhang, B., & Li, B. (2022). Exploration on the Application of Geometric Prototype and Form Encoding Strategies in the Layout Generation of Commercial Buildings. Proceedings of the CDAC 2022, Wuxi, 26-27 November 2022, 105–114.

张柏洲, 李飚. 几何原型与形态编码在商业建筑平面生成中的应用探索[C]//智能设计·数字建造·智慧运维——2022计算性设计学术论坛暨中国建筑学会计算性设计学术委员会年会论文集. 2022: 105-114.






In the field of architectural generative design, geometric prototype and form encoding are two rule-based translation strategies based on geometric operations. The former responds to architectural form problems through the deformation and parameter adjustment of geometric prototypes, while the latter simulates form elements through direct extraction and coding of design rules. This paper explores the applicability of the two strategies to different spatial elements and design conditions, by respectively investigating the public space generation dominated by the geometric prototyping strategy and the business space generation dominated by the form coding strategy. The experiments on the plan generation of typical commercial buildings, such as outdoor commercial streets and indoor shopping centers, demonstrate the effectiveness of both strategies.


Rule Translation;Commercial Building Layout;Geometric Prototype;Morphological Encoding;Architectural Generative Design