Lab. AAA Website -
参与开发了 建筑运算与应用实验室(Lab. AAA) 的新版学术网站。使用Jekyll框架并在GitHub进行协作,Lab. AAA的全体成员可以自行编辑相关的Markdown文件,完成网页的更新和个人信息的维护。网站分为5个板块:
Developed a new academic website for the Laboratory of Architectural Algorithms and Applications (Lab. AAA), SEU. Using the Jekyll framework and collaborating on GitHub, all members of Lab. AAA can edit relevant Markdown files, complete web updates and maintain personal information. The website is divided into 5 sections:
At the top of the home page, use the image carousel format, and at the bottom use the waterfall card format. The card content can include any items from other sections, or external links. Tagging a related item in another item automatically makes it appear on the home page. -
采用瀑布流卡片的形式,Lab. AAA所有的科研课题、工程项目、教学成果等。可通过关键词或标签搜索相关项目。
The Projects page adopts waterfall card format to display all the research projects, design projects of Lab. AAA. Search for related items by keywords or tags. -
The Publications page adopts horizontal cards, which divides publications into four categories: journal articles, conference papers, theses & dissertations, books/chapters, which can be stored and displayed in different categories. Search for related items by keywords or tags. -
The People page takes the form of avatar cards, and all members are divided into four categories: academic staff, research staff, graduate students, and alumni. -
Lab. AAA的相关简介和联系方式。
The introduction and contact information of Lab. AAA.