UHPC Shell Unit Design & Digital Fabrication


Team: Baizhou Zhang, Xugang Chen, Yuyuan Che, Hao Hua, Biao Li
Year: 2018


使用超高性能混凝土(UHPC, Ultra-High Performance Concrete)进行构筑物的设计和加工。过程如下:

  1. 通过悬链线原理生成构筑物的双曲面造型,并拆分为三角形单元。
  2. 在结构软件中进行验算,确定薄壳单元的厚度。
  3. 在薄壳单元模型上通过计算机程序模拟切割路径,并根据设备幅面将薄壳单元分块。
  4. 使用四轴热线切割数控机床,切割聚苯乙烯泡沫,作为混凝土浇筑的正形模具。
  5. 对正形模具打磨抛光,并在其表面喷射混凝土,制作为负形模具。
  6. 在负形模具中进行钢筋定位,并喷射UHPC。
  7. 脱模得到UHPC薄壳单元。

该UHPC薄壳可作为可重复单元,进行2-8片的拼装,得到不同的空间形态。 不同规模的造型可以用作景观构筑物、雨棚、凉亭等功能,用于室外场所。

This project is an architecture design studio at Southeast University.
Collaborating Company: Jiangsu Beilida New Materials Technology Co., Ltd.
Patent Application: CN110593478B, 2021-02-09.

Using UHPC (Ultra-High Performance Concrete) to design and construct a pavilion.

  1. Utilizing the catenary line principle to generate the double-curved form of the structure, divided into triangular planar units.
  2. Performing structural calculations in software to determine the thickness of the thin shell units.
  3. Simulating cutting paths on the thin shell unit model through computer programs and dividing the units based on equipment dimensions.
  4. Employing a four-axis hot-wire CNC machine to cut polystyrene foam, creating positive molds for casting concrete.
  5. Polishing and finishing the positive molds, then applying a concrete spray on their surfaces to create negative molds.
  6. Positioning reinforcement in the negative molds and spraying UHPC.
  7. Demolding to obtain UHPC thin shell units.

These UHPC thin shells can be assembled as repeatable units, ranging from 2 to 8 pieces, to achieve various spatial forms. The different-sized structures can be utilized as landscape constructions, canopies, pavilions, etc., suitable for outdoor environments.