Presentation at SEU-ETH 40th Anniversary Symposium

Reconsidering Designer-Computer Coherence through Web-based Generative Urban Design Applications

Location: Nanjing Pearl VOCO Hotel, Nanjing, China
Date: November 24, 2024

2024年11月22-24日,受邀在东南大学建筑学院-瑞士苏黎世联邦高等理工大学建筑学院合作交流40周年纪念的国际研讨会上进行报告。研讨会主题为“再造建筑学:运算技术与人工智能引发的变革”。本人报告的题目为 “从生成设计网络应用中重新思考设计师与计算机的思维连贯性”

On November 22-24, 2024, I was invited to give a presentation at the international symposium on the 40th anniversary of the cooperation and exchange between the School of Architecture of Southeast University and the School of Architecture of ETH Zurich, Switzerland. The theme of the symposium is “Re-imagining Architecture: Navigating the Impact of Computing and Artificial Intelligence”. The title of my presentation is “Reconsidering Designer-Computer Coherence through Web-based Generative Urban Design Applications”.